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  • Writer's pictureEva Chacole


I am tethered to you

so when you run, you pull this beating heart from me

and I chase a little faster

wanting to be close to you

my eyes only shine this bright, when tears fill them as I imagine you

my deepest wishes taking flight hoping harder and growing more blue

complex in your nature, since even as a fantasy you bring me to my knees

my waking moments spent morose

as I yearn to sleep

to trip over my feet

pursuing you

every night a little faster and growing more blue

a rapture, your feather light chains threading through my mind

your sugar glass promise all I need, to leave behind

this reality that is a puzzle without pieces

like me without you Enchantress, why do you beckon and then run a little faster?

I spend all my days

in a haze

reaching out to you

longing a little harder

crying a little louder

chasing you, faster and faster

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